Coronavirus Causes University to Reopen Shut Site.

A website that  Indiana University started amidst the 2009 H1N1 flu virus outbreak  returned to the  limelight as the coronavirus epidemic keeps closing campuses throughout the U.S.

In 2009, the university’s IT section developed the website named Keep Teaching due to the HIN1 outbreak, called the swine flu. The site has technical assets to assist faculty in moving from a face- to face environment to an online environment

The website showcases  a checklist of things  to think  of  whilst swiftly turning from a physical class to an online mode, in addition to specific pedagogical and technical  strategies. To achieve  teaching outcomes whilst coaching remotely amidst an emergency.  In addition, Keep Teaching features modules from Canvas learning management system built to allow students instructions with such distance learning software as Zoom and similar software. Read more here.