All posts by HOST44

The Latest Abu Dhabi’s COVID -19 Education Response

Khaleej Times

The Abu Dhabi Department of Education and Knowledge (ADEK) has recognized a few learning models, from which  non -puplic schools can decide for the impending new scholastic year that begins in September, 2021. These instruction models range from in-person learning, where students can go to school day by day; to a hybrid learning model — in-class and e-learning for two (2) and three (3) days of each week.

A few non-public school specialists have discussed the patterns they expect to have. Understudies of the United Indian School (UIS), Abu Dhabi will follow the half and half model. Similarly, understudies of Abu Dhabi Indian School (ADIS), and understudies of Mayoor School in Abu Dhab.

ADEK has put forward a few revised prudent Covid-19 security strategies for the new school year. These inoculation standards are for understudies 16 years and older, school staff, and visiting parents.

As per ADEK, actual distance would be downsized right to one meter on sites and on school grounds in a bid to urge understudies to genuinely go to their establishments.

This ADEK’s  approach supposedly is an attempt to offer on-site educating for an extensive physical and scholarly development and improvement of students. For further reading, click (here).

Why Online Classroom in Trees Beat Peanut Butter on Pancakes

 Online learning, Internet connectivity, climb to access lessons, mobile signal, digital divide, uneven internet access.
AP PHOTOS: In Sri Lanka, a dangerous climb for online school

Without a doubt, COVID- 19  has allowed  students, teachers, parents, and other educators to  devise innovative ways to continue learning.  There have  been many amazing  stories of such innovativeness and of people ready to assist each other. However,  of all the stories that I have read  up until now, the teachers and students in one part of Sri Lanka deserve special praise and commendation.

Sri Lanka’s administration on Monday 12 th July, 2021, started a mission to inoculate all educators with the end goal of resuming schools soon. In the meantime, students and teachers in one part of the country continue learning by trekking through the forest even though they may come into contact with leopards and elephants.

In this part of the country, Internet connectivity is scarce but remarkably, the signal is available in the forest.  Students  also  don’t have enough devices to do their studies. However, undeterred, the students climb  into trees to get Internet signals  and they share the devices they have as they get the signals. Parents also accompany their children on their treks to the forest.

These teachers, students, and parents should be really encouraged.  Anyone who can reach out to them with any assistance should surely do so.  Internet companies,  computer stores, and others can surely make a difference by using this opportunity to have  an impact on the lives of these students.  In the meantime, their online classes in trees beat peanut butter on pancakes.  Read more of the inspiring store here.

The Use of Micro- Credentials in A Pandemic

The United States education system is dealing with change and an uncertain future. Everyone including educators, college students, and parents has to deal with reshuffles.  They will face more reshuffling as the COVID -19 pandemic persists. However, certain endemic elements of the education system will persist. They mirror the architecture of the educational framework and foster the environment for learning to happen. Students must step into an educational atmosphere that encourages continual scholarly activity.

Each classroom reflects the uniqueness of the teacher who leads it. Such uniqueness shows up in the manner in which the educators construct their learning atmosphere and impart knowledge into learners. When educators encounter difficulties or worrying situations that impede learning and student achievement, they pinpoint remedies.
The charm of micro-credentials lies in their capacity to enable educators to broaden and apply remedies to problems or worrying situations encountered within schools and classrooms. As micro-credentials are earned on demand or virtually, they are well suited for Professional Development (PD) amidst a pandemic. The Clark County Educational Association (CCEA) in Nevada put out three amounts of micro-credentials and has devised a way of acknowledging their teachers who earn them. For further reading from the original post see here.

Coronavirus Causes University to Reopen Shut Site.

A website that  Indiana University started amidst the 2009 H1N1 flu virus outbreak  returned to the  limelight as the coronavirus epidemic keeps closing campuses throughout the U.S.

In 2009, the university’s IT section developed the website named Keep Teaching due to the HIN1 outbreak, called the swine flu. The site has technical assets to assist faculty in moving from a face- to face environment to an online environment

The website showcases  a checklist of things  to think  of  whilst swiftly turning from a physical class to an online mode, in addition to specific pedagogical and technical  strategies. To achieve  teaching outcomes whilst coaching remotely amidst an emergency.  In addition, Keep Teaching features modules from Canvas learning management system built to allow students instructions with such distance learning software as Zoom and similar software. Read more here.

How the Coronavirus is like a School Bully

Sharp decreases in income and potential hikes in costs are prodding schools to furlough or lay off staff while they hope for the coronavirus episode and the vulnerability it brings to die down. 

First were the procurement freezes. At present are the furloughs. 

Many schools declared leaves of absence and cutbacks in staff last week and cautioned of potential extra staff decreases in the weeks ahead. As learning institutions field sudden costs and lost income due to the coronavirus flare-up, paying workers – particularly the individuals who can’t carry out their responsibilities remotely – is getting progressively troublesome. If you like what you read please share. For original content read here.

What Wikipedia Can’t Tell You About How to Help the Helpers in a Pandemic

The corona infection pandemic has driven clinical experts onto the edges of threat. They’re adapting to, or preparing for, hordes of ill or edgy patients and deficient stockpiles of individual protective gear. At work, they face this startling illness and by extension also involve their families. They’ve watched associates sickened or passed away from it. So, how can you help these courageous individuals in this trying situation? Please read the original article for some practical suggestions. Also, if you like what you read please share this article. For the original content, read here.


Formación a distancia del INTEF

El Instituto de Nuevas Tecnologías y Formación del Profesorado (INTEF) ofrece cursos de  Formación a distancia. Son varios cursos de dos (2) meses de duración. Se abrió el período de inscripción el pasado día 9 de enero y el día 28 de enero será el último. El día 10 de marzo será el comienzo del período de estudios y el último será  el día 12 de marzo de 2020. Para más Información, pulse aquí.

2ª convocatoria cursos a distancia FAD

 La Sección de Integración y Explotación de las Tecnologías Educativas del Departamento de Educación del Gobierno de Navarra ofrece cursos a distancia y está abierto el periodo de inscripción. Se abrió el pasado día 4 de diciembre y se cerrará el día 18 de diciembre de 2019.  El listado de admitidos se publicará el día 20 de diciembre. Los admitidos tendrán hasta el día 10 de enero para darse de baja en caso de que les surja cualquier imprevisto. El listado finalizado se publicará el 13 de enero de 2020 y  los cursos se iniciarán el 15 de enero. El tiempo de duración  para los cursos es del 15 de enero al 18 de marzo de 2020. Puede informarse más y inscribirse pinchando por aqui.

Estás interesado/a en saber cómo preparar materiales audiovisuales para el aula?

Has planteado en alguna ocasión crear contenidos digitales audiovisuales con tu alumnado? Entonces Conecta13 tiene un curso de tipo NOOC [es decir, un nano-MOOC]: Creación de Contenidos Audiovisuales para el Aula. Es por una semana, con inicio el miércoles 20 de noviembre y finalización el miércoles 27. Será una actividad formativa con oportunidades de reflexionar sobre el uso del audiovisual en el aula, conocerás algunas propuestas audiovisuales para educación, probarás algunas herramientas básicas para edición de materiales audiovisuales y elaborarás un pequeño producto audiovisual de carácter didáctico. La inscripción es totalmente  sin pago. Para más información pulsa aqui.

Why Do People Think If Edtech Company Unacademy Gets $30 Million Is A Good Idea?

Seuola Capital India and other investors are  in a drive to raise  $25 – 30 million for Education innovation organization Unacademy. If successful, this may see the organization rise  to a value of around $100 million.

Unacademy is a web based learning stage that encourages teachers to make seminars on different subjects. The stage’s instructors go from influencers like Dr Kiran Bedi to educators in littler towns and urban communities, for example, Dhiraj Singh Chouhan in Jagdalpur and Yasmin Gill in Panchkula. The organization may utilize the cash to go further and venture into territories like K-12 and competitive tests like JEE.

The platform currently has in excess of three lakh exercises and around 10,000 instructors. Unacademy Plus, the organization’s newly launched paid stage, in which teachers have classes in real time, is making incomes as well.

Unacademy’s training channels on YouTube have approximately two million subscribers. Sequoia, SAIF Partners, Nexus Venture Partners and Blume Ventures all support the organization. A year ago, it added sequential business visionary Bhavin Turakhia to its board. Read more (here).