All posts by HOST44
The Present State of Online Learning
Online Learning or e-Learning has revolutionized the education field. This new mode of teaching and learning has its many challenges and opportunities. This relatively new mode of learning has seen rapid improvements from its inception in the 1980s to now. Although online learning has overcome initial criticisms there are still many oponents. There are also many challlenges. For example, finance, adecuate tehnology, qualified teachers, internet access, and user knowledge, are some of the main concerns cited in research. This blog will be discussing some ways to solve the lack of technology in schools and eLearning teacher training.
In July, 2015, Secretary of Education A. Duncan….
The New York City Schools District
Authored Materials
Educational Technology blog, and written materials that I produce or will produced over the years as an EdTech enthusiast. Please feel free to use, but I ask that you credit the work to me, Wycliff Coward, Ed.D.